Press Coverage Ben Has Secured
Product Reviews

Secured review of the DALI SPEKTOR 2 Bookshelf Loudspeaker at leading audiophile publication Secrets of Home Theater and WiFi, going out to their 261,600 readers.

Secured review of newly launched Synchrony PSB B600 speakers to leading audiophile publication SoundStage! HiFi, going out to their 105,400 subscribers. These flagship speakers were awarded as SoundStage's Recommended Reference Component as well as receiving the Reviewer's Choice Award.

Secured review of NAD M33 integrated amplfier at AVS Forum, a top audiophile publication with a subscribership of 3.45 million readers.

Secured review of the DALI SPEKTOR 2 Bookshelf Loudspeaker at leading audiophile publication Secrets of Home Theater and WiFi, going out to their 261,600 readers.
Bree is a spirited and standout font that takes its inspiration from handwriting. It's sure to grab your reader's attention, especially in short paragraphs.

Secured interview for headphone designer Axel Grell at technology publication Techstination, as part of Grell Audio's brand launch and release of the TWS/1 True Wireless Headphones.

Secured an interview opportunity for Bluesound VP Graeme Harrison with leading commercial installation outlet AV Nation, during the InfoComm 2021 trade show. Graeme discussed what it takes to bring audio into different spaces like offices and higher education spaces.

Secured interview opportunity for Symphonic Acoustics end user Ronnie Jackson to discuss his new recording studio Einnor Studios.

Secured interview for headphone designer Axel Grell at technology publication Techstination, as part of Grell Audio's brand launch and release of the TWS/1 True Wireless Headphones.
Press Release Pick-Ups

Interviewed and wrote press release on Einnor Studios, secured coverage at trade publication Pro Sound Network, going out to 79.87 subscribers.

Secured coverage and product review for Grell Audio TWS/1 Headphone at tech publication Android Authority, reaching 13.3M readers.

Secured press release pick-up and product review for Dóttir Freedom On-Grid Sport Earphones at high-end audio publication, going out to their 316,200 readers.

Interviewed and wrote press release on Einnor Studios, secured coverage at trade publication Pro Sound Network, going out to 79.87 subscribers.